1. One more reason to get attention.
2. I LOVE comic book stores. All I need is another excuse to walk into yet another one.
3. Nothing brings out my inner fanboy like a great comic book store. Every time I see a great or even good one, I feel like I did when I was a kid walking into a Toys 'R' Us, or like I do now when I walk into a Sweet Factory, but, like, times a thousand.
I don't know what it is. It's not like a store has to have something different from other stores which set it apart (although when I see it, it's great.) I guess it's like McDonald's fries. Every time you get them and they're FRESH, it's like you're eating them for the first time.
Perhaps it's the PRODUCT that ideally does most of the work for the store. When what you're looking for are comic books, they're the same no matter which retailer you go to. And I LOVE comic books. A comic book store with an extensive collection is like an ice cream store with an extensive selection of flavors. You're not going to buy a scoop of all of them, but just the idea that the options are there to pick from totally whets your appetite for whatever you ARE going to get.
I honestly cannot remember the last time I visited a comic book store for the first time and didn't leave with something.
I think I might have a problem.
4. Nothing bothers me like a crappy comic book store. It's such a downer. Like going to a seafood restaurant and finding out the crawfish is frozen. Fuck that shit. I know I REALLY wanted crawfish, but I'd rather go without than eat shitty crawfish. But damn if you don't leave the place wanting crawfish more than ever.
Nothing underscores what issues beset the comic book industry like a crappy comic book store. A store that doesn't seem like it gives a shit whether or not you buy something, or feel welcome or even comfortable in their establishment. And it's no comfort that such a business is probably going to gone soon. The industry is ultimately a small one, with smaller margins. The nature of almost all of the facets of the comic book industry as they are now are not condusive to reliably consistent significant growth, in fact the industry almost prompts the imagery of the ouroboros (I love you wikipedia, you make me feel smart) where the only thing that changes is how much is being eaten. It's almost like we can use all the growth we can get, and when you see a lolly-gagger, you kind of just want to shoot him.
Also, how am I going to buy shit if you don't sell my books?
5. I like judging.